Sunday, January 11, 2004

Media For Democracy 2004
We are all living in the crosshairs of powerful media institutions. Their fire is "incoming,"right into our living rooms, and then into our brains. We need more than self-defense. We need collective action to challenge mainstream media assumptions and push back. We need to support independent media, with our eyeballs, dollars and our marketing know how. We need to encourage media literacy education in our schools. We need to challenge candidates to speak out on these issues, and media outlets to cover them.

The short truism is that we can all do more than we are doing to ensure that next year is not just happy but happier than 2003. is launching a major new initiative called "Media for Democracy 2004" to monitor and challenge political coverage next year – and to mobilize voters around a campaign for better media practices. Timothy Karr,'s executive director, is leading this effort and can be reached at if you want to help and have time, resources or skills to contribute. (from Alternet)

We better be ready for 2004, because we know Big Media is going to be. At least from this site, Big Media will be given no quarter.