Friday, November 07, 2003

Stream Of Commute - October 8, 2003

(these are spontaneous thoughts, flowing from head to keyboard, on the daily commute)

free market and information scarcity and availability

information is skewed and manipulated in order to sell

advertising and public relations

so the idea is not actually to sell you what you want, that you get what you want, but that you get what you are convinced that you want

open trickery

in response to claims that political communication is by nature more skewed the economic and social communication, or information exchange. why would this be so? by what principle of information exchange? reality?


is labor just another commodity?

I would say no, as we need to include "agents" in a more expansive economic theory

a commodity does not "act", or "communicate", or spin "information", as an "agent" does

also, a more realist theory must ground itself in moral doctrine - the prevailing one in society, not a fanciful self-interest theory

the inalienable

all human created equal

life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness

this is moral core

these people, or agents, are labor. labor is not differentiated per se from investor, or owner. these are varied roles of agents within system, not qualitatively different, and each guaranteed the inalienable before economic analysis and modeling (reasoning) begin

commodity and capital are not agents. do not communicate. do not share information. they are units. agents are not units. labor is not measured in units. not primarily.

units are given value by agents. wants and desires of agents determine value of a particular unit. unit does not determine this. not in its nature. its nature may be harmonious with perceived desires of agents, i.e. consumers, but this is a social quality. information and value always reside in the agent.

labor, owners, investors, and consumers are agents. playing different roles.